The commemorations organized by the Airborne Committee Eerde revolve around the Second World War.
Children of the adoption class, among others, participate in the commemorations.
Click for more information about the celebration of 80 years of freedom.


A sea of flowers after the commemoration

September  17th
On September 17th, 1944, paratroopers of the 501st Parachute Infantry Regiment landed near Eerde.
The liberation is celebrated annually on this day, although this was only the beginning of the liberation and there were more victims in the days that followed than during the occupation. Gratitude and appreciation for the liberators are central to the commemoration on September 17th.

4th of May
On May 4th, the National Remembrance Day is held at the Geronimo monument. We then remember the victims of the Second World War and of all the wars that were fought since.

Click here to see videos of the commemorations.

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